Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Upgrade OracleDB

In a project I was requested to install Oracle SOA Suite 10g (

It is interesting that my colleagues simply knew I need to upgrade an existing OracleDB to higher version. But when I asked where do I find the documentation regarding the upgrade, they replied they hit an error before and they solved it but they didn't remember where's the documentation.

Anyway, the summary is, documentation does exist. You may go -> Documentation -> Oracle Application Server -> etc. Please reference the following link for the corresponding OracleDB that is required by SOA Suite 10g installation:

% sqlplus sys/password as sysdba
SQL> select version from product_component_version where product like 'Oracle%9i%' or product like 'Oracle%Database%';

The existing OracleDB is How do I upgrade it to

Steps to find patch for upgrading OracleDB:

1. Login
2. Go to [Patches & Upgrades] tab.
3. Select "Advanced Search".
4. Search with the following options:

* Product Family: RDBMS Server
* Release: Oracle,

5. Then, a list of related items are returned.

I want to upgrade OracleDB to, which one is the right one? Siva simply suggested me to use "4505133 - Oracle Database Family: Patchset PATCH SET FOR ORACLE DATABASE SERVER". I asked him, how do you know is this one? He replied, you click the readme file, then you'll know everything. Magic. Anyway, I trust him, so I just simply download patch 4505133.

Here you go. Upgrade patch is bundled in OUI (Oracle Universal Installer) format. So we simply shutdown all database processes and execute "./runInstaller". OracleDB will be upgraded beautifully.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

YAH Batch 3 Anniversary

April 14, Saturday was a busy day. Today was the opening day of YAH Community College Batch 6 at Center for Seniors in Bishan Junction 8. Started from 8am, volunteers and facilitators had started to prepare and welcome students.


Student coming.

12 April 2006 was the day all the Batch 3 facilitators got together. So we decided to have an anniversary gathering on same day 14 April 2007. After lunch in Junction 8 food court, Bao Xuan drove May Ying and me together to East Coast Park Island Resort.

Inside chalet

While we were waiting for the rest to arrive in the evening, we have an informative chat. I learned 2 tips to become good boyfriend/husband from Bao Xuan, haha...

Around 6:30pm, more people and food arrived. The buffet was ordered by May Ying. The presentation looked good and the food was tasty. Yue Feng had also prepared Mo Mo Cha Cha dessert.

This was a rare gathering. We had some new friends, husband and wife coming. Everybody ate ate and chat chat. Then, it was ice-breaking cum team-building game time. Soon prepared 3 games, they were (1) Guess who am I? (2) Phoenix Hall of Fame and (3) Memorized Puzzle.

Game1: Guess who am I?

Game2: Phoenix Hall of Fame

Game3: Memorized Puzzle

Aiyo... it was not easy to control the crowd. Players started to act before Soon finished explaining. They argued with the rules or they refused to accept the “prizes”. Haha... quite messy.

Refuse to accept the Prize

As we were facilitators, we had the debrief session after the activities. Somehow somebody had opinions and somehow ended up Soon went on stage to sing. Bee Yew the potential future facilitator was involved also.

After game debrief

Bee Yew and Soon sang on the stage

Finally, the event was ended. Hopefully everybody had a happy and memorable night.

For the complete photo album, visit here:

2 tips to become good boyfriend/husband

Tips # 1: 了解和让着她。不是讲讲而已,是真的了解那种。

由于本人性格比较随和,多数事情不太计较。有一次出国旅行找旅店的时候,有朋友十分小心翼翼的审查睡床表面干不干净,窗口对那边,地板脏不脏,房间整体的色调好不好,之类的。我看了简直不可思议,“ 喂,我们不是买房子,只是住旅店一晚,你没有必要如此斤斤计较吧?” 言下之意,就是将就一点。






Tips # 2: 老婆是拿来疼的,不是当家里的佣人。



